Brad Stanke (Discover Strength Maple Grove)

Brad Stanke is the owner of Discover Strength Maple Grove, a personal training gym located in Maple Grove, Minnesota.

Discover Strength uses the latest peer-reviewed scientific research to ensure your workout is safe, effective, and efficient. Their programs get results with just two 30-minute workouts per week.

Brad was first introduced to Discover Strength through his wife, Shannon. He started with the company as a client 8 years ago. Shannon was already working out there and invited him to join her. Date nights turned into workouts. His experience and results of working out there were astounding.

Getting significant results in the gym was new to him. While in the military for eight years until 2011, he never paid close attention to building muscle. He’d worked out a bit in high school, but fallen off over time as he got busy with his career and life. Now that he was working out seriously, it changed his life and career trajectory.

After working out at Discover Strength for a couple of years, he became an amateur bodybuilder. Those incredible results inspired him to join the company as a coach. 

He coached there for 6 years before a new opportunity arrived on his doorstep. He loved Discover Strength but had to drive far to get his workouts in. Brad wished there was a Discover Strength in Maple Grove. Then he could work out locally, saving time and effort. During the COVID pandemic, the opportunity to start one arrived. Discover Strength started franchising their locations, and he decided to invest in starting a franchise.

It turned out to be one of the best investments of his life. He has received more than just monetary results, including a sense of fulfillment, growth, and impact by helping clients improve their fitness and build their physique. 

He’s learned about leadership and how to grow relationships with employees and clients. His leadership style has been incredibly effective in finding and retaining employees and getting results for clients. 

Since starting the business, he’s retained all his employees and never had anyone quit or get fired. Their clients stick around, too. In the last 365 days, they have retained 96% of their clients, which reflects the results and satisfaction they get from working out at Discover Strength Maple Grove.

“Our clients don’t have time to go and waste a bunch of time trying to figure things out on their computers. Delivering a 30-minute workout for people who have busy lives and careers and families, that goes a long way to keeping them accountable and helping them stay committed,” Brad says.

The success of Discover Strength Maple Grove is due to three key factors: employee training, scientifically proven effectiveness, and workout efficiency. 

  1. Employee Training

Brad requires education and customer service training for his staff. They greet every customer by name on their way into and out of the gym. Trainers push clients hard enough to feel a sense of achievement after the workout and get incredible results.

He emphasizes, “Every one of my staff has to have a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in Exercise Science, Kinesiology, or Exercise Physiology. In addition to that educational requirement, we then have them go and complete a certification that is only obtainable through having that extra degree through the ACSM. And that makes them an exercise physiologist by trade… And what we found with this unique thing is that the more educated some of our trainers are, the more passionate they become about their work.” 

  • Scientifically Proven Effectiveness

“The second thing that makes us really unique is that everything that we conduct within our studio is going to be backed by research, scientific literature, peer-reviewed journal articles; just facts about how the body responds to a stimulus and how it grows lean muscle mass and muscle tissue. And if it doesn’t have any scientific backing, we’re not going to do it,” Brad explains.

The beauty of the Discover Strength program is that the latest research in exercise science backs it. They know exactly what causes muscle growth and how to help clients achieve their goals. 

Muscle growth is still the focus even when clients have a fat loss goal. Cardio has not been shown to cause fat loss, while strength training has been proven (both in studies and experientially) to improve body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing fat.

  • Workout Efficiency

“So we push them as hard as they can go. And then we give them about 10% more on showing that they have a little bit more in the tank, and that sense of accomplishment,” Brad says.  

The Discover Strength program is what sets them apart. They prioritize getting the best results with maximum efficiency. Their clients complete a 10-exercise full-body workout in 30 minutes while achieving incredible results. 

They can even help clients who have unique needs or significant health issues. 

Brad notes, “Some clients even come in with some pretty serious health conditions. And even doctors would say that they have no way of recommending exercise for them. But we have the ability to supervise them properly and put them through an exercise program that will work for them.” 

They’ve helped clients:

  • Improve back pain or stiffness
  • Resolve mobility issues
  • Cancel scheduled knee replacement surgery by strengthening the muscles around their knee
  • Work out with serious health conditions by providing proper supervision and custom workout plans

“If someone is injured we can still train them completely. We have research that proves that if someone has a broken arm, and it’s in a cast and they can’t use it, we can still train them on the other arm, and 85% of the benefit that happens on the arm that’s mobile will also benefit the immobile arm, including hypertrophy, which is the growth of muscle,” Brad explains.

If you’re struggling with mobility or injury issues, they can help you too. You can start with a free introductory workout to assess your needs and experience the program for yourself.

Brad shares, “So we always do a free introductory workout. I’d say 90% of the time you’re with me directly. We take about 45 minutes to an hour, and we just go through a workout. We talk about the whole modality of everything. The main point of the whole free introductory workout is to decide if you like this style of training and to feel the difference between what you’ve done in the past and what this is before you make that decision. From there, we end up prescribing a workout program based on what their goals and what their needs are.”

You can start your workout journey with Discover Strength today. Simply visit their website or download the Discover Strength app to schedule your introductory workout.

The success of Discover Strength Maple Grove has Brad excited to expand the business. His goal is to start more locations so they can help more people and make a bigger impact in the community. 


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